Friday, March 6, 2020

Listening and Writing Exercise Planning Like a Chipmunk

Listening and Writing Exercise Planning Like a Chipmunk An English listening exercise that hopefully will make you laugh and think. Planning for our future isnt a strength of Americans nor of my generation. Perhaps we can learn a little from the chipmunk. Pay close attention to the connecting words in this exercise.Watch this video:Answer the questions below in comments and we will respond:1. ______ to a study released Thursday by the Princeton University Department of Biology. 2. Reporters spoke to citizens to get their ______ on the study. 3. _____ this chipmunk is pretty impressive. 4. He has to make a borough in a tree stump thats _______ what he does. 5. He doesnt pause, and have a snack, and _____   _____ for a few hours. 6. What did most respondents think of the Chipmunks planning for his future? 7. This chipmunk is carrying around a lot of _____. 8. What does the above sentence mean? 9. What happened to his electricity? Why?Writing Exercise:So what about your future? What things are you doing to plan for your future? Do you feel s ecure about your future or do you think you should plan more? Do you have a retirement plan, a will, a life insurance policy? Are you saving money? Working on furthering your career? Are you doing better than the chipmunk? André Dertrudes de Macena I want more exercices André Dertrudes de Macena Preciso melhorar muito meu inglês, por favor ajudem-me Laura Mullokandov 1. According 2. View 3. Clearly 4. Exactly 5. Lay around 6. Most of respondents are very impressed by the Chipmunks ability being prepared for the future and think that they can learn a lot from him. 7. loads 8. The sentence means that the chipmunk has a lot on his plate (many tasks) 9. Electricity went off his home, because hed forgot to pay his bill. Went off means stopped, there was no electricity more. LOIEnglish LauraGreat! You have a grammar problem in Question #6. ability to be prepared or ability to prepare; ability is followed by to + verb.Good use of an idiom! A lot on his plate! Question #10.this is i nteresting because when I listened to it originally I thought he said went out which is what is usually used in these circumstances. However, I think that you might be right. I think he does say went offthis isnt very typical and I would like to caution against using went off in these circumstances; went out is a better choice. Went off can also mean something to make soundi.g. The fire alarm went off.or it can also mean exploded. The bomb exploded but no one was hurt.Thanks for answering! LOIEnglish Thanks Petar! You are correct. Question #6: continued display of FORESIGHT. The ability to think ahead.

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