Friday, March 6, 2020

Marine Decomposers Online Biology Tutors Tutorpace

Marine Decomposers Online Biology Tutors Tutorpace Marine ecosystems are basically aquatic areas of life. They can be oceans, ponds, marshes, lagoons, or any area with water that supports life. Decomposers are saprotrophic microorganisms which obtain nourishment from organic remains. Decomposers do not ingest the organic matter but pour their digestive enzymes over the same. Extracellular digestion occurs. The organic remains are completely degraded. It liberates organic nutrients. Because of this phenomenon, thedecomposers are also called mineralisers.The phenomenon is essential for biogeochemical cycling. Dead producers and consumers and their wastes sink to the bottom, and form organic debris. Here, it is broken down by the bacteria and fungi of decay to simple organic and inorganic substances. The simple organic compounds are absorbed by the decomposers themselves. The inorganic substances are released to the environment for reuse by the producers. There are numerous decomposers in a marine medium primarily the bacterias, which change the bodies of dead organisms to inorganic and simple organic compounds. The density of bacteria in water ranges from less than per liter in the open ocean to a maximum in shore. Thebacteria, fungi and flagellates serves as decomposers in a marine ecosystem. They are distributed throughout in the water medium. Underfavorableconditions, the decomposition occurs rapidly in water and their broken pieces are consumed by the combined action of detritus feeding animals and microorganisms and their nutrients are released for reuse. A food chain has a beginning and an end. It begins with plants which are the primary producers and ends with a large animal that is not preyed upon by any one. The final link in a food chain is subject to the action of parasitic or decomposer organism.

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